After the restart, your menu will look the same but after you started the navigation you will get into the IGO8 menu with 2010 maps. Insert your SD card into your Mio269+ and Hard Reset it 6. Install your Teleatlas maps into SD card/Miomap/contant/map 5. Modify your sys.txt skin='ui_igo8' resolution_dir='320_240' vga=0 class='landscape' skip_eula=1 enable_roadshadow=1 smart_2d=1 slowsim=1 loop_sim=1 auto_nightmode=0 msnd.start=0 4. Create Miomap on the root of your SD card and install your entire IGO8 in it. Hereby the procedure for iGO.8.3.4 and new maps Teleatlas 2010 : 1. Your Mio will install the new software in the background and you will have the same startscreen as before but when you hit the navigation button your new software will start. Insert the SD card and Hard Reset your Mio 269+ (switch on the back OFF/ON).
Create a folder 'Miomap' on the root of your SD card.
Now you can put any kind of navigation software on your SD card as long as you have the correct structure. Upgrade your ROM firmware (install V3 but watch out for the brand of touchscreen either Hitachi or NEC) 2. You don't need to unlock if you only want to use it as a GPS Here is what you need to do: 1. Hi, I just, after a couple of days surfing the net, upgraded and installed Igo8 with the latest Teleatles 2010 on it.